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How to Know When it’s Time to Replace Your Windows

When it comes to keeping your home secure, you want to be sure that every part of your home is up-to-date and reliable; your windows are no exception. Bluewater Exteriors is here to share some free expertise on how to know when it’s time to get yourwindows replaced. If you’re noticing any of the following signs, it may be time to have new ones installed. While many of these signs are a no-brainer, a few of them are not as obvious.


If on those cold, humid or rainy days, you notice condensation building up, your windows are past due for areplacement. Condensation buildup is a clear sign that your window’s seals are no longer secure. Seal failure is a difficult problem to fix, as most of the time itrequires replacementrather than repair. If you are faced with this issue, contact Bluewater Exteriors for top-quality windows that will remain sealed for years to come.

Cracked Window Frame

While a cracked frame is a more obvious sign of deterioration, even a small fracture in your window can cause serious problems down the road. A crack is something that must be repaired immediately to avoid it spreading. If your window has a small crack, don’t hesitate to contact Bluewater Exteriors. The earlier you fix the problem, the simpler the solution will be.

Cold Drafts Present

No one enjoys dealing with a draft, especially during the cooler months. If you’re noticing a draft coming from any of your windows, it may be time for areplacement. Not only are drafts a nuisance when it comes to comfort, they can also cause financial burdens. If one or more of your windows has a draft, you are likely wasting money on higher energy bills as cold air escapes your home or hot air is used to compensate for the drafts.

Failing to Block Out Sounds

If you’re beginning to notice the noise coming from your neighbor’s lawn mower, neighborhood dogs barking, music from the party across the street or any other sounds more often, you may be facing a problem with the soundproofing of your windows. This sign is one that may often be overlooked, as you may not realize it is an issue that can be fixed. At Bluewater Exteriors, however, we can provide you with windows that are both secure and as soundproof as possible.

If you’re facing any of these issues with your windows, or you’re just looking for an upgrade in the appearance and durability of your windows in general,Bluewater Exteriorsis here to help. We make installation quick and painless! Give us a call today at 251-504-4015.

1 thought on “How to Know When it’s Time to Replace Your Windows”

  1. I was doing a deep cleaning of our house yesterday to prepare for the upcoming holidays when I noticed that one of our living room windows has a crack in its frame. Thank you for explaining to us that cracked frames usually indicate signs of deterioration, which is why it’s best to have them repaired immediately if you don’t want them to spread even more. The crack in our frame seems too large for repairs now, so I’ll have to call a window company to get us a replacement installed soon.

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